Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Kingdom Of The Bombsticos

When they leave to the street, is great the bustle of the public, all want to read ' ' frescas' ' , in a race to be better informed. This does not run away to the rule, and if the force that uses in the writing was tranferida for its proper body of little more than a handspan and cinquenta, as Amrico Gonalves said, this man would be the master of Mike Tyson. It is ladies and gentlemen, Favour Fields, for many ' ' cambuta terrvel' ' or still master Favour, for its pupilos. Favour Fields is of those journalists who when it writes, to far it with mestria. Analyst of recognized ability, has provoked great alterations in the arterial function of many people with its penxs. Therefore, if folhares the Angolense, care, because there it could be a bomb prepared in the laboratory of the Favour for its disaster.

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