Sunday, March 23, 2014

San Francisco Project

That is, they manufacture dries greater that the reality few supported particularly to profit and from its. Still another rank is of that it must have public politics that took care of in the direction not to eliminate dry, since this is not possible, however, to attenuate the problem becoming the convivncia with suffered it well less. This would be realizable was not to the complaints politics to intervene with what they would be the local solutions and free of the industry of dries, increasing the reservoirs of water and managing for the collective good and not of a small privileged minority, that makes use of a natural resources as instrument of domination and oppression. A set of measures is necessary and viable economically and with scientific criteria and technician, not only a convenience and a project to serve the interests of groups that we can evidence represent what of more it has retrgado and archaic in terms of practical politics, descend of the old coronelsticas oligarchies that if had exactly perpetuated after the Government of Getlio to have affirmed to fight them, in ' ' Revolution of 30, while proper it was descending of coronelstica oligarchy. Although the industry of dries if to reproduce in this episode of Brazilian history, we find depositions of people who, exactly belonging to the elites politics affirm to be contrary to the San Francisco Project because they had studied the subject and they had not perceived resulted satisfactory. It is the case of Tereza Collor, sister of former-President Fernando Collor of Melo.Ela it is formed in history and it also studies the controversy of the San Francisco, when granting interview in day 12/07/2008 in the program Flash of Amaury Jnior in Net TV. The influence politics intervening in negative way with ambient questions is one practical old and current in the History of Brazil.

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