Saturday, March 29, 2014


I see that the others also pass for similar problems to mine, all we have the same objective of emagrecer and we learn with the others, hearing what each one brings for the group, to come here helps not desistir' '. (S1) ' ' The incentive to see the other people who emagrecem .... Without the group I would not have obtained emagrecer' ' (S8) the group represents, many times, for the participants the only place where they perceive that she has potential to reach its objective to lose weight, comment that without the group they would not obtain to continue. As it points Ribeiro (1999. p.51) ' ' In group the people if shows intensely, without the necessity of masks.

The face the face facilitates the meeting with verdade' '. It can be observed then that the participants of the group of alimentary re-education, in diverse ways, start to mean ones for the others very. Seven (7) participants comment that they perceive the group as of great importance in its life. They tell that without the group they would not obtain the progress that is obtaining participating of the same, S8 says: ' ' Without the group, I do not see no perspective to continue keeping the restriction in my feeding and perhaps engordar' would come back; ' The cohesion also was a characteristic presented in the group, where the participants if identify with the other, accepting them and understanding them. As Vinogradow and Yalon leave clearly (1992. P. 25), ' ' the cohesion of the group mentions the attraction to it that the members have between itself and for proper grupo' '. The identification with the group seems to be essential for the reinforcement and promotion of the integration and a relationship of confidence between the members.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

San Francisco Project

That is, they manufacture dries greater that the reality few supported particularly to profit and from its. Still another rank is of that it must have public politics that took care of in the direction not to eliminate dry, since this is not possible, however, to attenuate the problem becoming the convivncia with suffered it well less. This would be realizable was not to the complaints politics to intervene with what they would be the local solutions and free of the industry of dries, increasing the reservoirs of water and managing for the collective good and not of a small privileged minority, that makes use of a natural resources as instrument of domination and oppression. A set of measures is necessary and viable economically and with scientific criteria and technician, not only a convenience and a project to serve the interests of groups that we can evidence represent what of more it has retrgado and archaic in terms of practical politics, descend of the old coronelsticas oligarchies that if had exactly perpetuated after the Government of Getlio to have affirmed to fight them, in ' ' Revolution of 30, while proper it was descending of coronelstica oligarchy. Although the industry of dries if to reproduce in this episode of Brazilian history, we find depositions of people who, exactly belonging to the elites politics affirm to be contrary to the San Francisco Project because they had studied the subject and they had not perceived resulted satisfactory. It is the case of Tereza Collor, sister of former-President Fernando Collor of Melo.Ela it is formed in history and it also studies the controversy of the San Francisco, when granting interview in day 12/07/2008 in the program Flash of Amaury Jnior in Net TV. The influence politics intervening in negative way with ambient questions is one practical old and current in the History of Brazil.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Kingdom Of The Bombsticos

When they leave to the street, is great the bustle of the public, all want to read ' ' frescas' ' , in a race to be better informed. This does not run away to the rule, and if the force that uses in the writing was tranferida for its proper body of little more than a handspan and cinquenta, as Amrico Gonalves said, this man would be the master of Mike Tyson. It is ladies and gentlemen, Favour Fields, for many ' ' cambuta terrvel' ' or still master Favour, for its pupilos. Favour Fields is of those journalists who when it writes, to far it with mestria. Analyst of recognized ability, has provoked great alterations in the arterial function of many people with its penxs. Therefore, if folhares the Angolense, care, because there it could be a bomb prepared in the laboratory of the Favour for its disaster.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Clickbank Web

In this article I would like to show you how you can make money online without having your own products or services, promoting affiliate marketing products. Become an affiliate must be one of the ways more easy to start a business cybernetico. Everything you really need to do is find a topic or niche within thousands of other available niches. It is easier when it is something that love him or if you have a knowledge of a topic and search for related products. The next step is knowing that Avenue you are taking to promote products. The most common way to promote affiliate products is by creating your own blog. Although there are sites on the web that offer to give you a free blog, like (is one of the most popular). But if you really want to start a business in the long term, I recommend and you should have your own web site using your own hosting server, and buying your own domain name to use in your blog.

But as you Uncuentran affiliate products? Well, if you visit the site and register and get an account with them (free) and is the way mas fast of finding products to sell. Top Clickbank site you will see a link that says market and there can find products within many available categories where you can find all kinds ready to start now offers! When you've found an offer that you think good, you do click in the button that says promote. ClickBank is now going to give a special link with your own ID, and when you add it to your web site, each sales dirivadas by that link, will you give credence to it and you'll get a check every 2 weeks. Then, you need to handle the traffic of people looking for the products you offer. Fashion more effective of driving traffic to your site and is 100% free is by writing your own articles or post using keywords, which you can find out using you Google Adwords tool. ClickBank offers very good commissions to their affiliates. It is one of the best ways to sell products on the internet. I use it with several of my niches and Clickbank check never fails to arrive. I was that this article It does not give much detail, but I want you to know that the affiliate business is a good opportunity to create an entry in the internet. Wish the best to all and I hope that this short article they have been served or inspired to make its final decision on how to earn money as an affiliate on the web.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Position Good Words

Many times we sink in search of key words mega competitive and eventually came to the conclusion that the competition is so great that we can not generate good links did it. In a case study, a word like visiting Catalunya would be a very simple option if we are to talk of climbing mountains. In fact is a great choice if you want to talk about mountains of Catalunya, but far from thinking that it is a good choice, perhaps even better opt for less crowded words and with fewer searches, like for example Matagalls Montcau or Balandrau, that will not have the same force or the same searches but can afford a low competition, and thus, a simple way to get visits. But this goes beyond, if we think in words still related with our theme as Puigsacalm ol Castell of Burriac, us generating visits who already have one interest in other parts of our website, since a not only Mountaineer climbing a mountain, if not different, and that shape related internally throughout the blog. Even words with very little traffic as Sant Salvador de les Espases, may be a good choice, since by your little competition, we can get good positions in search engines in no time. To find the perfect words! Penedes Digital Caixa Penedes i the parish of Sant Salvador conspirators l orgue Seoul, a city with new design Arta Majorca s Historical Haven Daisy Gusman stop man for the offence of drug trafficking in Valparaiso after eight years of research Radio Bio-Bio Catalunya, a country full of charming places


Dizimo is not for Shepherds Start these commentaries saying that in Deuteronmio 14 versicle 22 to the 29 says: ' ' 22 Certainly you will give the tenths of all the product of your seed that each year if to collect of the field. 23 E, before Mr. your Deus, in the place that to choose to make there to inhabit its name, you will eat the tenths of your grain, your must and your oil, and the first-born of your cows and your sheep; so that you learn to fear Mr. your Deus for every day. 24 But if the way you will be so long that you cannot take the tenths, for being far from you the place that Sir your God to choose for there for its name, when Mr.

your will have blessed Deus you; 25 then vende them, act the money in your hand and goes to the place that Mr. your Deus to choose. 26 and that money you will give for everything what to desire, oxen, sheep, wine, strong drink, and everything what to ask for your soul; there you will eat before Mr. your Deus, and you and your house will be rejoiced. 27 But you will not abandon the levita that it is inside of your doors, therefore it does not have part nor inheritance with you. 28 To the end of each third year you will the same take all the tenths of your harvest of year, you will inside deposit and them of your doors. 29 Then it will come the levita (therefore nor part nor inheritance have with you), the pilgrim, the orphan, and the widower, that are inside of your doors, and they will eat, and be satiated; so that Mr. your Deus blesses you in all workmanship that your hands fizerem.' ' We see the Law of Dizimo, independent clearly of what the Shepherds speak and nail, we must follow what it is written in the Word of God, many say that we do not have to decimate our money, I to put I say that we must decimate more obeying the Word of God and orders of you do not lead, shepherds, bishops, apstolos, gurus and Popes that is oque will be there, the Bible in teaches oque to them must make with our tenths and for which end or purpose of the same, obeying the word of God we can be blessed by it, let us see the following one I capitulate of Deuteronmio 14: 26 ' ' that money you will give for everything what to desire, oxen, sheep, wine, strong drink, and everything what to ask for your soul; there you will eat before Mr.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Graa Gmez

As Graa Gmez (2001), the factors of risk and protection for the consumption of drugs in adolescents enclose psychological factors and influences of the group. Therefore considering the facts, it is essential that the adolescents learn to work its proper peculiarities of character displays that it to a risk situation, potencializando those that can protect it front to the beginning of the psychoactive substance consumption. As Scivoletto (2001) needs to exist an effectiveness on the treatments for adolescents whom they need a mediation or of a treatment that diminishes the degree of riots generated for the improper and abusive use of drugs, previnindo the future harmful results. However, although to exist different types of treatment that help the using and dependent patients of drugs, some do not obtain to benefit themselves of an only treatment, therefore different individuals feel necessities of asset and adjustments diversified in the treatment. Still according to Scivoletto (2001), the effectiveness in the treatment of the adolescents encloses an initial evaluation that makes a minute evaluation of the consumption of drugs made for the adolescent, informing the degree of comprometimento with the drugs and the seriousness of the clinical picture. The analysis of the picture of the patient is particularly important in the elaboration of the strategy of the treatment. When knowing that the adolescent son is using of drugs the family finishes generating relative feelings to anger frustration, concluding the responsibility for the group of the friends that the same is part, isemindo itself and the adolescent of the guilt. (SCIVOLETTO, 2002). It is important not to leave the adolescent if to deprive of its proper responsibility, to assume its proper acts exactly, since this chose to use drugs, knowing that it is made a mistake. For Nery Son and Towers the subject on the drugs necessary to be demystified, a time that to try the drug does not configure the chemical dependence forever.