Monday, November 3, 2014

The Performance

206) and ' ' the fact of as the child if would feel when leaving the classroom to be taken care of (...) ' ' (P. 207). Being thus, the authors believe that this type of attendance must outside be carried through of the pertaining to school space. Bitar (1991) tells to the work developed in three institutions, presenting the objective tracings in the centered fonoaudiolgica performance in the parents, professors and pupils. In relation to the children, the following actions were developed: comment of the pupil, selection and group of stimulation through art. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Richard Edelman. In what it says respect to the performance directed to the parents, beyond the orientaes and encaminhamentos, was carried through lectures workshops and meetings with intention to approach subjects related to the language. With the professors, the carried through work objectified to promote an exchange of information, so that they could contribute for the development of language d and its pupils, Coimbra et alii (1991) portraies an experience in the area of Fonoaudiologia in the school, presenting the possible actions to be carried through as: selections, tests (' ' verbal communication and escrita' '), orientaes and encaminhamentos to the parents and professors.

Collao (1991) presents a fonoaudiolgico work developed in a public school whose estimated central it is the valuation of the figure of the professor in classroom. The author aims at to portray the developed fonoaudiolgica performance in institutions of infantile education and basic education, understanding the development of says and ' ' communication for escrita' '. How much to the development of it speaks (fonmica acquisition), the developed work consisted of guiding the professors of the daily pay-school in relation to the comment of speaks through the precocious stimulation. In relation to ' ' communication escrita' ' , the fonoaudilogo and occupied in offering to the professor subsidies for the work with the orthography, using engravings.

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