Monday, November 17, 2014

Space Matter And Emptiness

To enter matter expondre well cocepto that could serve any martial artist and that podria to generate some commentaries, is how we used the form to concedir an attack to our opponent and it is based on the Space, Matter and Emptiness, will deal with not searching carefully so much and shaping the idea in a general form. Regularly or conventionally it is said that we direct our blows to us, attacks or techniques in an area determined within the human body perhaps this inciativa is adapted for some medical instructor who begins in the martial arts, but deceo we pruned that to see it from another different point of view that it is the concept of the spaces.

Which is to change the golpeal visualization we say to the stomach or face, to strike the angles and spaces within the area of the stomach or face with this abre to the panorama of attack and Congreve to the natural reaction which is far better that the mechanical reaction since in one it does not matter that movement generates your opponent podras to react naturally before that attack and podras to respond it (it is necessary to remember that the best attacks and decisive tecncias are those that are unpredictable). however mechanical movement is easily perceivable and is less probable its objective (I do not mean that the mechanical technique does not serve but it exposes to you but when you face somebody but experienced). because your movement can decifrar and in this way podra to realise some that conyueve to a final technique. to the moment that we handled spaces we are not going to focus even though in the human body of our opponent (matter) who that is our goal, but in the emptiness that all their body generates (it includes Guard, position, Gogol, displacements I kick ect).

The difference is that when striking it or being blocked our intention it would only be there, exponiendonos to one second reaction that podria to be faltal, unlike emptiness since even though our blow is not effective we can take the necessary emptiness and to turn it into blockade or attack according to is the circustancias of our fight. generally it gives us but arms with which podermos to be but expontanmeos this attracts wing in this way surprise and the objective it fulfills, the serious fights are very fast last a pair of entredas not but, for that reason it is important the alternatives that we have in being able to respond any situation without mattering what is.

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