Friday, May 9, 2014

The Tradition

The predominance of these myths and beliefs the spite of the source of trustworth information concerning the pregnancy that science disponibiliza for the society persists in the culture, because the maternity if does not restrict to a biological phenomenon, it is also a social phenomenon, producing varied influences on the behavior and the feelings of the women in labor. In accordance with Kitzinger: The pregnancy is appreciated for the most part of the societies as a ritual state. One future mother has special a ritual relation with the society, including with the father of the child, with the clans of both, the past in the person of ancestor and with the cosmos represented for deuses (KITZINGER, 1996, p.75). She is clearly that author is using a metaphor, therefore in the current society do not exist more clans, do not cultuam themselves ancestral, does not believe yourself nor cosmogonias nor in deuses. Such categories of the distant past of the civilization had left its marks.

The clans had been substituted by the social nuclei formed by the families, the cult to ancestor for the respect to the traditions, the cosmos for a world vision that also integrates a moral and deuses for the religion. In this way, the speech on the maternity is permeado by the verbally transmitted narratives of generation the generation. Exactly in way to the universe contemporary, marked for the profusion of scientific information on the pregnancy, the women still appeal the advice the tradition, therefore they still grant consideration ' ' as vov said ' '. They are the generations older than they assure the transmission of these beliefs: In the truth, the carrying aged people to know tried and consolidated in the time, had assured its transmission until us.

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