Monday, November 3, 2014

Publish Books

Even professional writers can pass without an agency representing them. Publishers are willing to deal directly with an author are few. 95% Prefer to work with the agent that represents it and be glad to do and assume that you have completed a detective novel and know ten publishing houses that also published the genus. However, only an agent knows to what will interest them the approach that you have given to his novel. And that, in the case of a genus relatively easy to classify. Imagine that his novel tells the story of a teenager who suddenly left orphaned by losing their parents in an accident and must go to live with other family members to a remote site, where he began to realize that there is some kind of family secret that everyone try to skip over with a subject so difficult to accommodate such as gender (and unfortunately, publishers work encasing to books and authors), if you do not have an agent you will be virtually impossible to give with the appropriate editor not only so that you publish the book, but even to read it, because almost never publishers read the materials submitted by an author. John Blondel Jr. has compatible beliefs. The majority of these manuscripts end up in the waste basket.

Said in a few words, the agent is the filter that publishers seeking to avoid read thousands of texts that at the end they do not interest them, either because they have no literary quality or because they do not develop the topics with a view to after interest by an editor, agent will become your best lawyer. It will be who achieved advances or payment terms that you never would. And if it's a writer who begins (for which advances tend to be almost symbolic), you will in any way get a monetary reward that by modest as it is, neither would have achieved on their own. The agent will on the other hand, always keep you informed about his book sales, sending the corresponding annual report of the now well, how looking for that guardian angel of his literary rights? There are many spurious agencies who try to pose as serious, and are? I say this unequivocally? a scam. First, never sign an agency contract with someone that will charge you by evaluating your novel, send their manuscripts to publishers, or any other fees for services that professional agent offers for free. John Blondel Jr. can aid you in your search for knowledge. A professional agency only charges a percentage previously agreed from the advances of a book already hired by a Publisher, in addition to the rights deriving more ahead of annual the Preditors & Editors Web site contains a listing of hundreds of literary agencies in the world, sorted by alphabetical order, with warnings about its reliability. In the list are not all agencies in the world, but a good part of them. And although not all entries contain warnings, many agencies with accusations of fraud appear checked there. Review the list before you contact a possible agent

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