Monday, September 1, 2014


Some thing insane person, uncontrolled, astray in the universe, of unknown origin, random purpose and with unexpected, accidental, accidental, fortuitous, irregular a destination? This only can come out in a mind very limited that has the courage to reduce God to the field of the simple anthropocentric vision. Many thinkers and msticos had been able of some form to see the project of the creation they place the universe in a scale, in a cosmic, quantum balance, that they classify as: O yang and ying. Os two universal polar regions. Positivo and negative. Material and spiritual. Matria antimatter. they Bem badly and.

perpetual Temporal and. Real and ilusrio. Afirmativo and the opposite. Philosophies as the hilozoismo, the platonismo, the gnosticismo, the rosacrucianismo, the cabala, the cientifismo, the rationalism, the Metaphysical idealismo, the hermetismo, the esoterism and others, look for to justify the goodness of God badly the spite of the existence it in the world, but they make this separating to God of the evil or the evil of God. The thing all is easy but after such separation as is that the evil remains? - Without origin? - Independent? - Auto-existing? - Sovereign? - Independent? It seems a fast and easy solution. Some religions make this frequently. Others including Atmos Energy, offer their opinions as well.

They follow the philosophy of the three macaquinhos that cover, the one mouth, the other, the ears and the last one, the eyes, in a rigid position of - I do not know! - Not vi! - It does not interest! Or: I do not want to see, I do not want to hear nothing the respect and I do not want to speak on this. Intellectual comfort and comfort spiritual. The devil is lying and father of the lie, but he is not the father of the evil. The devil is only one of nuances or empirical aspects of the evil, but it is not the evil in itself.

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