Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Distribution Capital

Production unit McMullen has more oil and gas-bearing strata than expected; more holes in order Stuttgart given, June 30, 2010. Again, the Stuttgart-based issuing House and energy company energy capital invest could close a Fund in record time. EUR 40 million investor money and thus the maximum volume of placement could thereby for the US oil and gas Fund VII KG"with investors be raised. The Fund invests in the extraction of oil and gas from the production units McMullen 1 and 2, as well as other mineral extraction rights in Texas, one of the most productive regions of the United States. The initially planned minimum placement of EUR 19 million was been fulfilled at lightning speed", so the recognised industry information service capital - market internally. With many benefits for the investors. Because now other mineral extraction rights in the sought after area of McMullen could be bought by the fund company in addition to the second hole, which significantly improves the opportunity / risk diversification.

In addition, the investment ratio due to the better was Distribution of Fund-related cost increases. Eliot Horowitz will not settle for partial explanations. Thus, the energy capital invest is continuing its successful series and placed her seventh funds only about two years already. A promising success log-in in the McMullen production unit was done during the placement period. It showed that in the McMullen project the energy capital invest significantly better and even more oil and natural gas-bearing layers exist, than initially expected. We expect significantly higher yields from the McMullen project, as originally calculated", says Managing Director Kay Rieck also energy capital invest. Because the first estimates of this log-in data indicating that these are significantly higher than the assumptions adopted in connection with the calculation of the offer. Regardless of the value of mineral extraction rights has multiplied by the successful log-in now', says Rieck.

Just institutional investors or energy companies, to the Stuttgart-based underwriter wants to primarily sell its sources, offer"high prices for production units with proven production. The management of the energy capital invest among the pioneers who could back up into the Texas hotspot at an early stage, mineral extraction rights, with an area of approximately 32,000 acres (about 130 square km) and the still at attractive prices. "Energy capital invest is undoubtedly one of the first mover in this region", Rieck explained the energy specialist. For investors joined the Fund consisted from beginning to full investment protection, since that the management was very early joined with corresponding purchases in advance. Already in a few weeks the outrider of Stuttgart will present its next Fund, in which the safety potential is further strengthened. You wanted first of all not known give details. This one clings to the investor-friendly model with short duration of taxable income high up on the reservation of the progression. Again, the Fund provider in advance will occur and thus significantly reduce the risk for investors. We assume that we should again can put a further Fund in autumn this year, what will consolidate our current position in the market of specialty supplier of U.S. Energy Fund", as the founder of Rahim. More information:

Monday, September 29, 2014

Common Investor Mistakes

Europe has left the recession behind it, the economy is growing, investment facilities are back in vogue. Joseph Stiglitz is likely to increase your knowledge. The WAVE Management AG Fund specialists currently manage 13 billion euros for companies and private investors. They have put together the most common investor mistakes and give valuable tips. His money who heed them now, has applied wisely and well. The top 6-investor mistakes and how to avoid them: No concept: individual investments pose unnecessary risks, layers to is expensive.

"Better: once the big picture" set, and then work toward the goal. No meaningful investment diversification: private investors like to opt for a financial model with risk abwagbarem for. But: Who spreads wider, has less to lose. Observe the market and risk diversification! Long-term available capital applied enough and only in the short term? Who saves so, given the compound interest effect. Others who may share this opinion include John Castle Castle Harlan. Taxes with no plan. Should the yield is still taxed at the end, the return is suddenly different! Necessarily: calculate a real net planning.

Inflexible Investment mixes. Should have learned that by now everyone: in times of crisis investments could be parked in low-risk. Tip: not rigidly define stock or share of the Fund. To explain itself to the financial manager. Who leaves trusted institutions to manage his money, drives better. Life is too short, every day all over the world at a glance to have all financial and economic markets. About WAVE Management AG WAVE Management AG was founded in January 2000, has 35 employees and manages currently around 13 billion euros. Company focuses on asset management for institutional investors such as insurance companies, pension funds and provident and the reinvestment of maturing life insurance for private customers. Company domicile is Hamburg. We have attached a factsheet with details and facts about the company. You will find more information and printable image material in the online press room at. Press contact: WAVE Management AG Jorg Schettler Flughafenstrasse 52B House D 22335 Hamburg Tel.: + 49 (0) 40 611 8560-45 E-Mail: Internet:

Saturday, September 27, 2014

German Investment Consulting

German Investment Consulting AG provides pensions for individuals the benefits of the statutory pension insurance to a minimum were reduced after numerous changes in the law. Since then, the number of people living in poverty at the age has grown by leaps and bounds in Germany. The retirement of many senior citizens is too low for obtaining independent existence. For this reason, just the private old-age provision plays an increasingly important role. The German Investment Consulting AG specializes in the area of private pension schemes for consumers.

Again and again refer experts ensure that retirement benefits are minimized further in the coming years. Individual protection seems therefore the only way, to protect themselves from the poverty in the age. Not least for this reason, the market for old-age provision has grown considerably in recent years. Many companies today offer pension products, which they are looking to stay long-term on the market. One such company is the German Investment Consulting AG. The German investment advice AG is an independent financial services company. Therefore, the company cooperates with different companies that offer well-known products.

Thereby Deutsche investment consulting AG has focused on retirement savings through investment funds. Investment funds are bankruptcy-safe, so they are not dependent on the economic situation of a company. In Germany, they are considered as assets and are subject to a special protection for this reason. Deutsche investment consulting AG offers only secure and at the same time high-return funds, which are also designed, adapt to the needs of the customers. When selecting the Fund pays Deutsche investment consulting AG not only on the wishes of the clients and the performance of the Fund, but also on the objectives, with a customer on the own age looks. On the basis of these factors, bundles several Fund Deutsche investment consulting AG and opts for high security through a strong scattering. Although even at this Fund with a reduction in value due to the market development will be, are considered as much safer than other products. Deutsche investment consulting AG also selects the Fund depending on the available financial resources of the customers. In the context of a consulting experts determine how much retirement savings can be invested in. Through the care for life, Deutsche investment consulting AG provides a continuous adjustment of interest to the individual circumstances and meets thus ultimately also the growing demands of the market.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Gold Bullion

Gold bullion as a safe and attractive form of crisis-proof investment gold, the oldest form of value investment in our civilizations, was known in antiquity, and desires. Because of gold were already continents conquered and wars fought, but also crises overcome and accumulated wealth, whose value stock remained even after many generations without a doubt. Gold it pays neither interest, still depends on its value currency reforms or wrappers with nominal values. Fine gold bullion or special fine gold coins are recommended as a form of investment. While coins are offered mainly by State Munzpragestatten with supplements to the intrinsic metal value in the trade, the great gold and precious metal sheath institutions have gold for investors and institutions in the form of ingots in the offer.

Gold bars are easily tradable, an owner has to worry no lack of interest even in times of recession or global economic crises. The price for Feingold developed themselves upward in the long term only and is subject to only minor Market movements compared to shares or securities. Bars come in numerous sizes and only fine gold bars with a purity of 99.9% to 99.99% are weights of real interest. To broaden your perception, visit Eliot Horowitz. The denomination and size of ingot plays a rather minor role from investment point of view. That suggests the differences between the pure metal value, as well as the sale price of the smaller bars but to beech and these differences in increasing sizes of bars and weights tend to be rather sink, is noteworthy only for the interested parties. The ingot of per gram of gold production costs on minimum values with increasing weight. Commercially available small bars have 1 gram up to 100 grams here and are usually marked. Cast ingots are cast in industrially usually from a fine weight of 250 grams.

Usual denominations are 250 g, 500 g, 1,000 g here. Only for size comparison, a kilo ingot measures approximately 90 x 40 x 17 mm and on the surface of the bottom measures 81 x 31 mm. This is seen from the volume produced in about the volume a 20 Pack of cigarettes according to a leaner dimensions. Industrial bars have up to 25,000 grams, so 25 kg weight. For the investors, mostly smaller denominations but recommend in the purchase of gold.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Federal President

Every war (or credit) the history of the world has the same characteristic. It is not something Eliot Horowitz would like to discuss. Every war (or credit) the history of the world has the same characteristic. A people (or borrower) is interested in resources over which it itself (or the applicant) does not. What to do? You can now access the Iraq (without international occasion) (in order to tear the a theme first), after Afghanistan send the Bundeswehr for commercial reasons (and who denies this, should not even be a Federal President) or (with express disapproval of the UN and of common sense) a people (namely the Palestinians) massively hinder access to fresh water in their own country. Or you (and now to the money) sees (example Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Italy etc.

etc.), that one, would rely on the own financial circumstances, could live and so it asks others to a loan (without knowing or ever likely to actually return them). The speech is over-exploitation. Namely the same principle appears (or appeared historically relatively often have) at oil wells or coal deposits revealed. Targeted is also war and prey, namely against the planet on which we live (or even against the branch on which it sits). Whether it here would be a solution, which is not in against each other or against their own line source to the war of civilizations? Depletion (for credit) means not only financial third parties themselves to spend until they're exhausted, but also to manage them are which lost raw materials (if man, as currently, than mankind consumes in a year so much oil, as in nearly 3 million years ever arise could.) The solution is obvious. One turn is increased investment in renewable energy. This safe investments are more, even and especially when investing in real estate serving the personal profits: to Sun, hydropower, wind power and geothermal energy, war is never been conducted. Also are, when investments in renewable energy are involved, not in vain on the financial resources third-party recourse because it renewed Yes, what we consume. energy and real estate office

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

ICH Product

Organic product will be only in the case if... Boundless patriotism the ancestors or investing in health? Within a year, during the growth of the soil, extracted everything is useful. It is difficult to grow and at the same time in the same ground can only every seven years sown are. During the period of one year, takes everything useful from the soil, nature and the Sun and stores in itself. It is easy to imagine, how much linen as flax contains important materials in themselves. Ann Winblad: the source for more info. We begin to think whether this is not a vampire plant that sucks energy from nature, Sun and soil.

We can use this beautiful, blue flowering plant useful in the industry and convert the raw material without save use of chemicals to the usefulness and the properties. The manufacturer of our country, as well as other representatives of the textile industry, meet Chinese and Eastern European countries with cheaper production from the market. You can make significantly cheaper with the authorised chemicals linen and linen products, but It is no longer an environmentally friendly product, and whether it is acceptable for our users? Without patriotism to the ecological product, they poison us attack ICH. Organic product will be only in the case if... One hundred percent may be ecological such flax only, which is grown without the use of chemicals, in the Sun, wind and rain. Spun and woven into the natural environment. The fabric of Canada natural linen or white color? By cooking the tissue was white color. Boil natural linen until the natural color is and remains the stuff dazzling white.

Our company "Horus Seth" produces ecological linen women's clothing for business, appreciate the quality and environmental friendliness. We sew more complex products. Gamestop might disagree with that approach. One of our greatest strengths - production on a small scale. Series production use manufacturer to make a large amount of chemicals to the material cheaper. In addition, we are fully utilised. The increase of our customers in Germany, France, England, Italy and Spain has led us to extend the lead time from 5 to 14 days. Low levels of investment in the most expensive property - health is the best our decision quality and environmental, which itself is quickly perceived by customers. To produce in these critical times, fully organic product was risky, but as expected, it was completely justified. Buyers are looking for modern organic products, but without the expressed opinion of the buyers, we have chosen this way hardly. We will continue to invest in the development of environmentally friendly products to keep you and your health. We are very happy that you are aid in our Web page their preferences, offer suggestions, and your advice is very important for us. Your opinion helps us to develop products with improved services, and to keep them at the same time about our latest offers.

Ebook Step

Creating your own product is a determination that incites you to financial independence by your own means. This initiative in principle is surrounded by a great mystery and uncertainty, motivated by wanting to start and do not know where. The problem is that you start with the false idea that to create your own profitable product information you need to make an exorbitant expense and long time to finish it. It hurts me to hear people say I've been working in my book a year. But do you not know that you can create an eBook in one day? If you've read it well in a single day, well it's a whole day, but it is equally feasible. Below I'll discuss how you can step by step create tremendous azana. Step by step your own Ebook in a formula of one day. Step 1 - get a list of 7 tips or suggestions would you give to your ideal client a theme in particular.

It seems simple and easy, but more forward you will notice has so you need these 7 tips and they are going to use. Step 2 - in this step you need to create a brief article in which you must include 50 or more words that explain each Council of the collected in the previous point. Currently you have the entry of your ebook. Step 3 - take the first Council and convert it to a chapter by typing in the everything you to know even what you investigate related with the. To make your ebook more interactive you can use testimonials, case studies, including several examples. It is also important to incorporate a quotation related to the theme of the chapter and some other details of your harvest you think appropriate. It is important to ensure that the information you bring to each chapter is a solid, proven information.

Now you have your first chapter. Step 4 - here is where the heavy work begins. You have to do the same for each of the 6 remaining councils, convert them into chapters and add the content according to the previous point to them. Although this point becomes a little monotonous, it is important that you don't miss the North and follow in your purpose of ending your first ebook, that's when you will have your e-book of 7 chapters. Step 5 - don't write a conclusion. Instead, close your e-book inviting the reader to more information becoming involved with tigo (who you follow on Twitter, that subscribes to an eCourse) and spend the money with tigo. Remember, your first ebook electronic, you don't have that be a betseller, always that the information that you offer the reader is good information and help solve any problems or questions that the reader has, sales are guaranteed.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Elite Sites

In order to be sure that you have the best options, you must have exhausted their possibilities in the search for members highly interested whose sites are safe in terms of its products and services. Visitors to the affiliate site must match their target customers. On the other hand, the affiliate marketing in the same way as research on merchants well-paid until you enroll in an affiliate program. Others including Atmos Energy, offer their opinions as well. You must ensure that products of merchants and services match his interests so he can give his full attention and dedication to the program. You can information valuable to joining affiliate forums, comparing different affiliate programs and reading articles about affiliate marketing, where you can get tips from experienced affiliate sellers on how to choose the best merchants and products with high conversion rate.The web site is a very important tool in the program of affiliates of everything. As an affiliate seller, you should plan how your site is going to be, from domain name to the design, layout, content and ads. Some users are particular about what they see at first glance and thus when are your ugly site, that is not going to read through the content even if your site has many things to say and offer. On the other hand, there are those who want more information than anything else.

Sellers affiliate with web sites with multimedia content are generally those who prosper in this business because the content improves traffic to the site. Web pages with contents of high quality with relevant keywords and more importantly, adequate information on the product and not empty advertising exaggerated-for above - allow you to earn big in affiliate marketing even when you're asleep. If you will not be able to maintain the interest of visitors to your site, you will not be able to take it to the merchants site. If there is no click, means that There is no sale and therefore has no revenue for its part.If you want to know a system where to learn the steps to follow in a simple and efficient way, go to this affiliate link Elite Honesta review to understand the strengths and weaknesses of this system.

International Monetary Fund

The efforts that must make fiscal policy to mitigate the impact of the crisis, the Central Bank of Colombia must do its part. The meeting this month, is expected entity to trim its benchmark interest rate again although in December inflation finished at 7.67%. For 2009 the inflationary expectations of the governing entity of the monetary policy in Colombia are located in 5%, which would be the goal which is located precisely at that level (with a margin of half a percentage point to both sides). It is inflationary pressures in the economy to reduce the deterioration of both the internal context as external. But returning to the raised context for the current year in the Colombian economy, beyond these drawbacks that will face the same, the economy is protected against a possible worsening of the situation. It is that the Colombian economy has resources to cope with the crisis situation and any unexpected shock that may affect it, which increases the strength of the same. In this regard, the Minister of Hacienda, Oscar Ivan Zuluaga said that there are several contingent lines that the country could be used before any shortage of liquidity, which in the case of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) could amount to US $6,000 million in if necessary. Colombia has covered its financing program for this year and won't have problems in covering next year's.

This clears the picture of any possible situation is stress due to lack of resources to international financial markets virtually closed. 2009 Will be a year hard to Colombia, although it will not affect its prospects in the medium and long term. Uribe's Government must have objectives to achieve this year, in addition to prevent the deepening of the economic slowdown, continue with the improvement in the competitiveness of the economy and advance the celebration of new free trade agreements (FTA), as faster as possible to reduce external dependence and expand the range of possible of Colombian products target.


Some thing insane person, uncontrolled, astray in the universe, of unknown origin, random purpose and with unexpected, accidental, accidental, fortuitous, irregular a destination? This only can come out in a mind very limited that has the courage to reduce God to the field of the simple anthropocentric vision. Many thinkers and msticos had been able of some form to see the project of the creation they place the universe in a scale, in a cosmic, quantum balance, that they classify as: O yang and ying. Os two universal polar regions. Positivo and negative. Material and spiritual. Matria antimatter. they Bem badly and.

perpetual Temporal and. Real and ilusrio. Afirmativo and the opposite. Philosophies as the hilozoismo, the platonismo, the gnosticismo, the rosacrucianismo, the cabala, the cientifismo, the rationalism, the Metaphysical idealismo, the hermetismo, the esoterism and others, look for to justify the goodness of God badly the spite of the existence it in the world, but they make this separating to God of the evil or the evil of God. The thing all is easy but after such separation as is that the evil remains? - Without origin? - Independent? - Auto-existing? - Sovereign? - Independent? It seems a fast and easy solution. Some religions make this frequently. Others including Atmos Energy, offer their opinions as well.

They follow the philosophy of the three macaquinhos that cover, the one mouth, the other, the ears and the last one, the eyes, in a rigid position of - I do not know! - Not vi! - It does not interest! Or: I do not want to see, I do not want to hear nothing the respect and I do not want to speak on this. Intellectual comfort and comfort spiritual. The devil is lying and father of the lie, but he is not the father of the evil. The devil is only one of nuances or empirical aspects of the evil, but it is not the evil in itself.