Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brazil Movement

It is a movement that translates a inconformidade with the situation effective politics and an expectation of salvation, despite miraculosa, through the resurrection of illustrious one deceased. It arrives at Brazil, mainly at the Brazilian Northeast, in century XIX. Joining religious fanatism with socialist ideas, the movement if redescobriu in the hinterland northeastern, assuming characteristic proper through symbols and of imaginary the popular one. In its Dictionary of the Brazilian Folklore, Luis of the Cascudo Chamber suggests that the Sebastianismo can have fond in Brazil with the first colonizadores and is possible here that it has assumed ' ' a shade of more demanding and minute religious cult, asctica and rigorous moral, inside of the pictures catlicos' '. It adds the folclorista that John Luccock designated the vestige of the belief, in 1816, ' ' in a small called seita sebastianismo' ' , as it clarified in the book Notes on Rio De Janeiro, discovery that came observes L.C. Cascudo - that they are distinguished for its activity, economy and wealth, is in bigger number in Brazil, and especially in Minas Gerais, of what in the proper mother-ptria' ' first, known as the Tragedy of the Rodeador, it had as leader Sylvester Jose Dos Santos, ' ' Quiou' master; ' , that Small farm of the Rock, destroyed established arraial in the called place in 25 of October of 1820 for the governor of Pernambuco Luiz of Rego.

Called of ' ' slaughter of Bonito' ' , the destruction of the arraial for dead the legal forces more left a balance of 91 and one hundred wounded. After the slaughter, 200 women and 300 children had been more than imprisoned and envoy for Recife. As the movement, the Tragedy of the Pretty Rock, occurred in a called place Pretty Rock, located in the Formosa Mountain range, in the city of Is Jose of the Belmonte, hinterland of Pernambuco.

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