Saturday, April 12, 2014

Bible Reality

We are what to want and not to want to be, what many times, in the reality, we hinder in them of this. When displaying our dreams for the reality, we are citizens the acceptance or repudiation, destruction on the part of that listening. In the reality we can until making to die our power to be or encantamento with the desired thing because in our dreams it is perfect to our way. The dreams are not the reality of the world, but yes, dreams that can die and not leave wounded that they tormentem and they imprison the man, them they can closed or be resignificadas giving opening for new dreams if to constitute, bringing peculiar sensible. The dreams forgotten soon, then are changedded thus into lies and, also start to be lies and the life starts to be, then, one ' ' verdadeiro' ' make-of-it counts. She is necessary that let us embed our dreams, in the direction of not arresting in them or simply to dissimulate that nothing it happened, but to make to be valid these possibilities one day imagined exactly that not materialize. However, a new opening new dreams to be been born must consist, in order to allow that the power to be reappears.

The outcome of a history is not only on to an end, but yes, to one to start of new and not another time. Starting of new sends the idea of newness and not of repetition. At the same time where a history finishes, then an opening if inserts, allowing new start (outcome = outcome). Then something is become fullfilled and not properly it is locked in, it accomplished, in the truth, a new ticket. So that this new if constitutes, she is necessary to be born of new.

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