Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Birth In The Amazon

It crossed the river flows in the jungle North - Eastern of the Peru - was my SERUMS-a boat of Geosource Inc., he accompanied the sanitary suddenly!, from the shore a few Indians waving his hands and screaming, driver without consulting me tacked and headed for the shore & n bsp; What?, why do you delay? - asked the driver - you want to help! - told me to dry-, Ney Arevalo the sanitary spoke in their dialect with them, then managing to me told me Doctor have one inhabitant in labour, they want you Me? look it, but I'm not gynecologist - I told him-, Yes, but they don't know!, you have to do but feel de-aerating and that dangerous-said-good before those arguments told him already come!, No! - told me Ney-, will you only!, do only? but I don't speak their dialect, if - he said Ney - but so are their rules, only one comes and has to look under skirts and do not look him in the face to women - I thought that was joke -When I entered the rustic room mats and mud fairly thick roof thatched found a semi-sitting, already older woman, with jungle, multicoloured attire, her husband pointed with his forefinger under skirts and newly understood that Ney was not joking, I got my hand under the same and with luck I found the Vagina, introduced up to the neck, tacte, I figured and I retiredwithout looking at the patient, I left the room accompanied by her husband and told him Ney has 6 expansion, all goes well!, your delivery will be at one o'clock in the afternoon, and is a male, Ney translated them into their dialect, looked at me and they sketched out a discreet smile, we said goodbye and we continue our route towards Pucamuro, a village where he was to give civic attentionwere nine o'clock in the morning and I forgot the subject, the return would be as the 3 in the afternoon when we went out there and once again the people of this hamlet on the shore waving his arms don't look them and accelerates! - I told the driver - NO doctor!.He said, it will be so overnight stay in our camp looking for us and moved towards them, Ney gave something - you told him seem friendly doctor - he told me-, actually descended and greeted me with hugs and joy they are drunkards! - I said to myself - what Ney?, Dr. childbirth was at one o'clock in the afternoon, was a male and was born very well! , They consider it to you divine, a hero and want to invite the chicha of the place, monkey and banana with sajino stock does Chicha, broth of Mono, sajino?! No thanks thanks and let's go, another day we came back! Doctor can not offend them so you drink even a drink. Take the soup and eat the sajino and so I did, we said goodbye to cheers and laughter, they were drinking, I came to camp I took bactrim and I bleed. Original author and source of the article.

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