Thursday, May 7, 2015

Portuguese Language

Criteria these that must be understood ' ' as indispensable learnings to the end of a period, for another one, as references that allow the analysis of its advances throughout the process, considering that the manifestations of these advances are not linear, nor idnticos' ' (p.97). The second part comes expressing the detailing of the proposals presented in the first part, divided in two specific chapters. Chapter 1 mentions to it the first cycle, presenting the education and the learning of Portuguese Language in the same, also displaying the used objectives and contents. Beyond the evaluation criteria that must be used for verification of the learning. Already chapter 2 makes aluso to as the cycle, presenting the same characteristics of chapter 1: education and learning of the Portuguese Language, objective, unfoldings of the contents and criteria of evaluation for as the cycle, with activities that if the pupil waits to develop satisfactorily. The PCN of the Portuguese Language is a document that it searchs to become clearer the relation enters the election of the contents and the considered didactic treatment, contributing so that the educational transformations happen in the lesson of Portuguese Language despertando the interest of pupils.

As we can see the PCN of the Portuguese Language he is not ' ' animal-of-seven-cabeas' ' that authors and educators, in its majority, criticize negative and if they deny the seguiz it. John Blondel Goldman Sachss opinions are not widely known. He is composed basically for necessary orientaes for the work in classroom. He brings viable and possible suggestions to be followed, since that he has comprometimento of the part of the professor in executing them, so that the lesson if becomes more significant and attractive for the pupils. He values the context of the school, with dynamic and creative lessons, texts that instigate the pupils to be curious and to develop the habit of the reading. He makes possible the access of the pupils to the universe of the texts that circulate in the society, teaching the produziz them and to interpret them, developing in the same the access to the information written with autonomy and creating conditions for well produziz it. These factors are basic, so that as much the reading how much the writing, if becomes one pleasant habit, therefore ' ' the people learn to like to read when, of some form, the quality of its lives improves with leitura' '. Therefore the adoption of the PCNs, of Portuguese Language but of you not only discipline them to all, if she makes necessary so that let us can have a public education of quality, capable to form independent, critical and creative citizens acting in the society. Refencia: National Curricular parameters: Portuguese language/Ministry of the Education. Secretariat of the Basic Education. 3.ed. Brasilia: The Secretariat, 2001.

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