Friday, May 2, 2014


The solitude this very related to the loss of relations with that set of significant people in the life of the individual and with which it is interacted regularly. Before the evidence to confront the emotional solitude one must do it surely, considering some aspects that allow to release to us of the effects Negatives, not to let itself catch by that situation that can entail a problems of greeting, psychic, to affect our reason of being and of enjoying intensely the opportunity to live For it, the magazine, provides a step useful to be taken into account; Diagnosis: what type of solitude is the one that we are suffering and to what circumstances must. To know us well. We let to a side the fear to watch within us, and confront the necessity to know how we are: our illusions and ambitions, limitations and fear, who I want to be, how they see, how I see me? It was the timidity. We take the initiative to secure new relations.

We establish what people interest to us, and elaborate a strategy to contact with them. There is nothing no to lose. The fear to the rejection is a brake to establish new friendships or loves. The objective is important, we are not walked with remilgos. Without victimismos. The world is sometimes cruel, vulgar and materialistic, in agreement. But certainly there are other people who can be wishing to know somebody like we. To lock up us in we ourself is to recognize the defeat.

To the majority the solitude makes damage, it better feels and us to have with whom to speak, to intimar and to whom to want. We are not as rare as sometimes we thought. It is not necessary more to speak in depth and confidence with any person to verify it. We can " llenar" to more people of the one than we create and many people can be us attractive who we have closely together. It is possible to be added in addition, that we are not due to let catch by the past, on the matter is indicated, that if the past is what this taking to us to feel solitude in our life, we must once and for all to forget the past, if this it has perhaps not been very good, is necessary that we enter more in we ourself, taking advantage of the present intensely.

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