Thursday, August 29, 2013


As well as it affirmed Bruno Bettelheim, in its book the Psychoanalysis of the Contosde Fairies (1980: p.185), important reading for the subject in question: ' ' To reach mainly its comforting functions, its symbolic meanings e, above all, its interpersonal meanings, the story of fairies would have counted instead of to be read. If it is read, must serlido with an emotional envolvement in the estria and the child, with empatia peloque the estria can mean for it. To count is preferable to read porquepermite a greater flexibilidade.' ' (BETTELHEIM, Bruno. The Psychoanalysis of Stories of Fairies, Rio De Janeiro: Peace and Land, 1980) the truth is that, after the Industrial Revolution, crianapassa to exert a paper of bigger importance in the familiar structure. With umaespecial attention to infancy and the free initiative and competition of the mundocapitalista, the necessity appears to invest in the infantile education for criaradultos prepared and capable to face this capitalist race.

Partirdisso, has necessity to take care of this demand to it with specific materials, making, then, to appear infantile Literature as literary sort. With the necessity of literary books and texts adequadospara the understanding and experience of world of the small readers, appears umnovo market for the children, originated of the classics for adults. By properly nohaver a reading destined to the teeny Brazilians, soluofoi to go of meeting with the tradition popular narrative, that is, obrasestrangeiras had been translated, adult stories had been adapted e, then, pertaining to school literary omaterial was recycled. In the workmanships associates to infancy, the European models in new dimension, if they open the doors for the new bibliographical target deconsumo, the children. Before the Frenchman Charles Perrault and the Germans, irmosGrimm, transcressem stories for the children, transforming them into literaturainfantil, many of known histories today as stories of fairies eramcontadas for adults and, today, they are disabled to come back to the original, so great form is its popularity between the children, young and adults of the mundointeiro.

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