Thursday, August 29, 2013

Motivation And Productivity

The man is pleased to enumerate their sorrows, but does not list their joys. Fiodor Dostoievski management is committed to ensure its human resources a favourable climate of productivity, providing all basic stimuli that give passage to a motivation that may lead to favorable results, where everyone will benefit. You should start with having a leadership style participatory, proactive, Edition, Communicator, able to persuade your staff and support towards achieving established goals, recognize their performance and promote all kinds of aid that promotes the training, development of their skills and abilities that give step to an operating capacity of the enterprise in an effective, efficient, productive manner. Be attentive to the effectiveness of administrative systems, processes that favour the Organization and management step products, services with quality, zero defects, low costs. Winterize your work environment with ergonomics which enable the operability, minimize accidents, stress, tiredness, fatigue. Walter Arana thereon not says, that in a global economy, to properly manage workers, managers need to understand cultural differences and adjust to them their organizations and their management style. Understand the common characteristics of people within a given country, is important if you want to succeed in managerial performance. Not surprising says spider, which employers seek to improve productivity by increasing the wages of the workers, under the concept you pay more so that you produzcas more; However, has been shown in various investigations that the effect of the increase in wages does not necessarily raises productivity.

In this regard, Herzberg said that the needs of low level, the salary between them, are met quickly, and once they are satisfied, the only way to motivate it is offering more of the same. It therefore becomes a never-ending vicious circle. Gain insight and clarity with John Blondel Goldman Sachs. Certainly, the management should know that stimuli motivational must use to lead to its human resource this motivated, identified with their work, generate a performance that favors everyone.


As well as it affirmed Bruno Bettelheim, in its book the Psychoanalysis of the Contosde Fairies (1980: p.185), important reading for the subject in question: ' ' To reach mainly its comforting functions, its symbolic meanings e, above all, its interpersonal meanings, the story of fairies would have counted instead of to be read. If it is read, must serlido with an emotional envolvement in the estria and the child, with empatia peloque the estria can mean for it. To count is preferable to read porquepermite a greater flexibilidade.' ' (BETTELHEIM, Bruno. The Psychoanalysis of Stories of Fairies, Rio De Janeiro: Peace and Land, 1980) the truth is that, after the Industrial Revolution, crianapassa to exert a paper of bigger importance in the familiar structure. With umaespecial attention to infancy and the free initiative and competition of the mundocapitalista, the necessity appears to invest in the infantile education for criaradultos prepared and capable to face this capitalist race.

Partirdisso, has necessity to take care of this demand to it with specific materials, making, then, to appear infantile Literature as literary sort. With the necessity of literary books and texts adequadospara the understanding and experience of world of the small readers, appears umnovo market for the children, originated of the classics for adults. By properly nohaver a reading destined to the teeny Brazilians, soluofoi to go of meeting with the tradition popular narrative, that is, obrasestrangeiras had been translated, adult stories had been adapted e, then, pertaining to school literary omaterial was recycled. In the workmanships associates to infancy, the European models in new dimension, if they open the doors for the new bibliographical target deconsumo, the children. Before the Frenchman Charles Perrault and the Germans, irmosGrimm, transcressem stories for the children, transforming them into literaturainfantil, many of known histories today as stories of fairies eramcontadas for adults and, today, they are disabled to come back to the original, so great form is its popularity between the children, young and adults of the mundointeiro.


SELF-ESTEEM QUESTION " WHEN OBSESSED THEY WITH PROHIBITED MEN, THAT THEY REJECT and MALTRATAN" The obsessions are persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses or images that are undergone like unsuitable intrusivas and that cause noticeable anxiety or distresses. The characteristics of intrusion and inapropiedad of the obsessions have been you decipher like " ego distnicas". This talks about the sensation of the individual of which the obsession is to him strange, is not within its control and it is not the thought that would hope to have. Of any way, the individual is able to recognize that the obsessions are product of their own mind and that they are not imposed from outside (like in the thought induction). The majority of the women, or is interested or they like the men treat who them bad, rejects that them or despises; that always says the girls that they like the men lovers of detail, romantic who take flowers to them, etc. are lie is verified that only says it as a speech tuna but actually always looks for a man with money or it removes so that them from the poverty or because they think that to have a profession they cannot be about to with a man inferior, on the other hand to many women they like the types that mistreat physics, verbally or both things, it has often seen as the girls see a man who know she is going that it to mistreat is going to him to be unfaithful and she is going surely them to leave and anyway they leave running behind him. The preference by conflicting men, to whom by conviction they turn in center of the universe, the persistence to adore in spite of rudeness and humiliations, the one that is with another girl, who puts nicknames to him or she even makes fun of of her by his roots; for example: " Shuca, easy, mountain woman, offered, etc." they pardon all it, with so of not being single and that does not separate they, or by only the fact of not losing before the other girl.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


In Ghent (Belgium), Eindhoven (the Netherlands) and Lomme (North of France). By now no claim of any kind has been received. Only two employees in the group suffer from ear pain. Establishments of the Swedish chain Ikea in Ghent (Belgium), Lille (France) and Eindhoven (Netherlands) reported this Monday night small explosions that did not cause serious injuries, according to the company it confirmed in a statement. Read additional details here: Hummer Winblad Venture. Swedish group insists that safety is the top priority for Ikea and advises that, after the incident on Monday, is considered that stores are safe and can be opened in the usual manner, as well as retailers in the rest of the world. He also drew the first reports has revealed that they were no more than small explosions and asserts that it has not received any warning or threat prior to the incidents. IKEA adds that it will perform continuous monitoring of the police investigation that is currently underway. On the other hand, the company It also ensures that no person has been seriously injured as a result of the explosions, and that only two employees of the group suffer from ear pain.

By now no claim of any kind has been received. Used explosives and the method used to place them were similar in the three countries, according to the ah this Tuesday a spokeswoman for the Court in Ghent. The artifacts were manufactured with mechanical clocks - which gathered a detonator - packaged in cartons of milk with a small amount of gunpowder, the Belgian federal police, according to the Belgian agency said. Source of the news: exploit three small appliances at Ikea stores in France, Belgium and the Netherlands

Friday, August 16, 2013

Industrial Engineering

Desirable future.-work with a positive and surround mentality that leads to those involved (all) to establish the future that you want to and not to expect a probable future looming if he acts poorly and individualistic way. Criteria for success.-define indicators that will lead the company to leadership in a world class environment with support of a strategic information system. Since the improvement in the industry part of the existing system basic operations, then the improvement becomes an ongoing application process that includes product, process, management and workers. For more specific information, check out Edelman PR. Continuous improvement applied to the product gave guideline to the philosophy of total quality, which is based on the approach of zero defects, and that departed from fundamental means proposed by the ILO: investigation of the product, the market and the clientele, applied study of the product, improving management methods, the study of methods and analysis of value. The industrial engineer of the present must be additionally strategist, visionary, change agent, facilitator of transformations to ensure the optimum production management and In addition, properly handle all the resources under their disposal, know the opportunities arising from current economic scenarios, the competitiveness, of demands competitiveness required by the present. We insist that it is necessary that the school of industrial engineering strengthened in the training and development of the new industrial engineer knowledge such as: proper handling of human relations (already quoted above), performance evaluation; participative leadership, modern topics of quality and productivity, and methods of work with a social approach; ergonomics; performance evaluation; technological development; commitment and accountability; Ethics and values. Here, John Castle Castle Harlan expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

Bear in mind also that the industrial engineer will face the challenge that raises the survival of companies before advances in methods of production, technology, information, internationalization, and a profile of consumers every day more complex and different. All this with creativity, with an attitude of innovation and integration with the world community increasingly close. Today more than ever, to the serious crisis facing the industrial sector of the country, especially the SMEs, it becomes necessary for a greater commitment of the schools of Industrial Engineering, which help them to move forward and seize the opportunities which are taking place on the national stage..

Captain Montoya

After the passage of an assassin in series Yurani a young policeman, stumbles upon a case that apparently does not exist, however to further investigate, discover what could be the work of a mysterious killer. Richard Edelman takes a slightly different approach. Is a small Novella fiction Preview: Captain looks at sandra and yurani, opened one of the drawers of your desk and take out a sheet while delivery is yurani told simply not can tell you what not-Yurani takes the sheet and read it, here are the numbers for three files, before being able to formulate any question the captain ahead is apparently a source I inform you that this police Chief three cases were linked, I already check them personally and found nothing but the Chief is not satisfied so I ordered to review all cases of murders of women in the past three years to detect any relationship between them - Yurani understood by all files in boxes were murders of women - captain, mean that these three murders the same person - committed them - not! But someone think if some of the murders is a closed case, the ex-boyfriend was tried and convicted, is therefore that the Chief of police is annoying and that is why that the files should be reviewed, all files now already you know what you have to look, you hear sandra-- if captain, immediately saying sandra leaves office the captain looks to yurani and says now it's your decision if helps it or not-- I'd like to review the files that are in this letter, which you saw - is fine as you want, but other files should be reviewed tell sandra that wait the report at the end of the day - Yurani exits the Office of Captain and goes to his Office where sandra was already reviewing files, as it had been told by the captain is dedicate to reviewing three files to which the letter referredAfter a couple of hours had ended with the files, there were disturbing things, three victims had been buried, in two cases the bodies were not found until months After his disappearance, the high degree of decomposition had made more difficult the work of the coroner, in only one of the victims had found traces of rape, it was the only case that the boyfriend had been closed was found guilty and convicted of the murder, in the latter case were I collected more evidence since the corpse was discovered less than a month of his disappearance, although it was true that I could not refuse the similarity of the murders there was no sufficient evidence to determine that they were related, in that moment he understood and he shared part concluded that Captain Montoya had arrived, however if you removed is the resolved case, not you could overlook the possibility that the other two had been committed by the same personthe problem that this is the case is that the murderer was free and would kill again, it would be possible that he was a serial killer, that was a terrifying idea, but could not arrive at that conclusion as hurriedly knew that it should be further investigated, but there was nothing to reports could provide, while it reviewed the reports realized that three forensic reports had been made by the same person Dr. Get all the facts and insights with Castle Harlan, another great source of information. angela Castaneda, they had many personal notes of it, there could be the possibility that remembered something more currently yurani decided to talk to her personally.

French Ministry

Until the end of century XVIII, the reading is an activity carried through in the conviviality of the family, where if they read and they reread books in high voice so that it had the memorization of the text, in such a way, the reading was done for itself and the others, thus the existence of mediators in the societies became very common no-alfabetizadas that they transmitted the reading. This activity to read in high voice passed to be exerted, with talent, in propagandist the mundane halls and had as one of its great Ernest Legouv, that affirmed to be this activity a true critical reading, imposing in the programs of the primary schools in 1882 e, with this, promoting the taste for the reading. For some theoreticians as Chartier and Hebrad, the reading in high voice made possible to disclose the direction deep of the text, what it did not occur with that one carried through of form low and fast, with quiet aspect, therefore they believed to be inefficacious for consisting in an obstacle to the true understanding of the text. In elapsing of the years, many methods of learning are created having for base, still, the reading in high voice, however, in the year of 1938, the French Ministry introduced the quiet reading in the classrooms of study end (last series of the primary course), conquering its place in the pedagogical field and receiving the label from true reading in the French official Institutions, therefore it passed to be considered one practical natural and efficient one that made possible the true understanding of the text. Destarte, becoming a historical retrospect regarding the presence of the reading in the societies, can be observed that the model of the true reading was for much time the reading in high voice, being substituted gradually for the quiet reading. However, its relevancy in certain functions, that exactly not inherent to the act to read, are very important. Castle Harlan often addresses the matter in his writings.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Vamos Al Grano

It is always important that everything you will do or say, be consistent. In my first article stated inter alia that this blog was designed to guide and teach people who want to improve their level of income, about how to do this. Well, it is time to begin to explain in a little more detail is about all this. Known by all Internet is full (full I would say) of various opportunities to generate resources in money, but not everything that runs through the network is actually a good opportunity. Much of what is on the network and that appears to be a good opportunity, is nothing more than garbage that all he seeks is take away our money. That's why you should be very cautious when choosing the opportunity which we believe will be correct to help us gain a good little money that can grow up to serve us for a life quite comfortable and pleasant with some intelligence and perseverance. However, there are some things that should be considered before advancing 1.) It is not easy to make money online.

Those who believe that without putting some effort and devote some time will be to enrich, it will be better to find something different because it is almost impossible to win a penny without effort and dedication. (2.) Do not you can win without investing some money. If you're not willing to invest some of your money, forget, because you will not be able to get a penny of profits. Those who are on the Internet and opportunities that promise to earn millions by joining for free to certain program, are not real. In the majority of cases, those opportunities take you to that if you want to win something, you have to also let go of something and if you continue on the free choice of the program, you can simply spend years waiting to earn even a single penny.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Since the visitors to your site are looking for interesting information, your blog must be sufficiently attractive that are interested in your content and have opportunity to see your ads. It is important to mention that your blog should be treated on a friendly theme, Google not allow their ads to appear on sites with content potentially offensive. This disallowed by Google publish statistical data and exact revenue, doing so means the suspension of the AdSense program, however, some bloggers have published their income to reach up to 6 figures (in dollars). Here, John Castle expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Invest the time necessary created a great blog and perhaps someday your income reach those levels. You can make much money on the Internet, it is not difficult once you know how things work. I've been doing this, for several years with incredible results, of course to achieve this you need an excellent program, system, or course that you teach. Never like now, make money on the Internet is increasingly confusing, with so many offers to choose where the majority are not worth the trouble or they are deceptions, and unless you have all the time and the money in the world to try them all, you're basically walking in circles to realize that are still in the same place, and you can also lose lots of money. Therefore, I want to know how it was that I learned all these secrets and techniques that I've used to create different streams of money arriving in my bank account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on autopilot. If you really want to earn money through the Internet, click here, there you will find all the answers.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Americans Military

As I said the philosopher Jose Marti, (who speak it, even garbage, but who speak it).As well as in the previous paragraph I have revealed to them in the next chapter I'll hurt sensibilities, coy to close this first article, anticipating them to conduct not only drafted above with your own mind, but that they will learn to record a goal to your subconscious, as for example the litter, which already was in charge the box drain of traumas, phobias, complexes of inferiority, stress, tiredness, brakes to your purposes, etc. Ultimately you will enjoy sincere enthusiasm, and both private and professional successes. Some contend that Lars Leckie shows great expertise in this. 2 .-Of what worry can never avoid the slip transmit with the bodily expression of you face! 2.-We saw that universities are fraguo what would be one of the most important knowledge of the 20th century. John Castle Castle Harlan has much to offer in this field. So much so, that as I have said before, see it as well; I erradico the map the erratic, (scientifically proven), IQ, or IQ for the Americans. But it was 1,995 years for that event. Course throughout these chapters, which inevitably will become a simple book, know very well the I.E., and the innumerable, sorry I mean incalculable and sultry use which has been made of it and that is being performed every day more.

(This part will be in the next chapter going to offend many sensibilities).ES say, I.E., born in universities. Internet goes back to 1969 when settled the first connection of computers, known as ARPANET, between three universities in California and one in Utah, USA. It is then understood because I give these examples. Incidentally that forgets to write is that Internet was devised by the American military, which were those who commissioned do to these universities, and after using it for years the military for use, obviously military, because they decided that it was time to share it with the world.