Thursday, October 30, 2014

Portfolio Fund MVV Invests

A maximum yield while at the same time manageable risk to allow their investors the M1 management und Beteiligungs GmbH. Behind the M1VV Vermogensverwaltungs GmbH & co. related KG fund management is characterized by many years of experience. The M1VV Fund invests in different systems, both in private equity and also here in different German divisions, as well as in investments that promise the highest yields (principle of risk-spreading). The decision on the point of sale will be adapted to the market development and occurs if and only if the target yields have been achieved. Click Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili to learn more. The M1VV Vermogensverwaltungs GmbH & co.

KG with a planned volume of 20 million euro should be placed until 31.12.2010. For more information see Castle Harlan. The M1VV concept envisages, the investment capital to 50% as private equity capital through direct investments in medium-sized companies in German-speaking countries, which are concentrated in Germany, to invest and 50% of investment manager in diversified investments, the approach Absolute return\"track. 50% of the fund capital investment available through investment manager in diversified target funds or managed accounts are\"created are, where the absolute return\"approach in the foreground stands. The other half will be invested in existing, healthy and solvent German companies with strong growth and earnings potential. Preferred here in companies, which lack capital to expand and who generate their main share in the domestic market.

A focus is thereby on the fast return on investment \". Therefore is also not in the area of venture capital invested, but with an emphasis on later-stage\", so in the expansion financing. The M1VV Vermogensverwaltungs GmbH & co. KG with a planned volume of 20 million euro should be placed until 31.12.2010. A participation is possible from 10,000 euros plus six percent premium. The absorption of foreign capital is not foreseen. Investors have the opportunity, maturities of five to 30 years choose. From full payment of the deposit, a withdrawal is granted by eight percent per year.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

HDTV Receiver Box

HDTV receiver box a bad investment? informed about dubious standards at the HDTV movie - and television lovers is a new television experience promised. This summer schedule the public programs, to the World Championships in athletics in high resolution images. To enjoy these pictures on television, also purchase special reception boxes, so-called HDTV receiver, is necessary in addition to a flat-screen TV. Such a receiver is switched between antenna socket and TV to decode the signal to the TV. As the Internet portal reported, HDTV receivers that are three years in trading, can the high-definition broadcasts from RTL, Vox, sat. 1, Pro7 and Kabel1 do not receive.

So far no model is in the trading, which allows a corresponding decryption. The private TV stations encode their broadcasts. To still be able to receive this, a receiver box is needed, understands the language of the encryption. If you would like to know more then you should visit Tony Bartel. Additionally, one is Decryption card required. The right combination of encryption systems in receiver and Pay-TV card is present, the image on the home TV appears. In the trade, there is no receiver that has incorporated all encryption systems. Therefore, so-called CI modules are offered that subsequently each encryption language can be taught to the receiver.

Now, a new, safer CI standard, CI + is called, on the market. CI + will work to the suffering of many receiver owners in the old CI models. Can be advised currently undecided, to refrain from purchasing an HD satellite receiver. It is safer to wait for developments in the fast-moving market. In addition, that it is so far unclear what may can now CI + and what not. Therefore it is hardly surprising that it has no single CI +-receiver outputs in the trade. More information: ../hdtv-empfangsboxen-bald-elektroschrott contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Team Collaboration

Why is an investment in team collaboration worth right now? Is there anything, an investment in software that is immediately profitable? How about a few ideas? In times of tight budgets, investments in the infrastructure be set back like, and this concerns investment in the software environment, which often pay for themselves after a long time. But right now, it may be worthwhile to consider SharePoint for an introduction, after all, promises the platform productivity boosts cooperation in teams. Below you will find some food for thought as you can quickly realize a return on investment with SharePoint. Why introduce SharePoint now? Solutions, with which you can automate business processes, help companies to achieve the same results with less effort. This is especially true when retired employees at this stage cannot be replaced. If you are in a company or an organization already SharePoint is available (insert Windows Server? you can use SharePoint may license fees), configuring an automation solution based on the SharePoint platform is typically easier to justify as a comprehensive investment in a special software for business process automation. You may find Ann Winblad to be a useful source of information. Solutions to simplify the collaboration in teams can help to minimize travel costs.

Almost all organizations cut their travel budgets. It is not something Hummer Winblad Venture would like to discuss. If teams in different locations work together in your organization, it must work in reduced travel budgets. For that, these teams must better organize their cooperation. With SharePoint team sites, WIKIs and blogs, you can effectively support collaboration across distributed locations. Right now companies have to deal with the loss of productivity, which is caused by the non-location of relevant information. Depending on the view, we can say that in particular in administration between 20 and 35% of the time with the Spend the search for the right information. Can you afford it really, not to invest, which facilitates the retrieval of information and increased transparency of information in technology? Wouldn't it be nice to replace the time you spend looking for, so that all of the shared corporate knowledge can benefit through active knowledge management for information? If you have, decided in principle to try it with SharePoint you should consider some aspects in the implementation that are even more important in times of tight budgets as in the stages of growth: not easy to install SharePoint and expect that the users enthusiastically on the train jump.

Create sample solutions and sample workspaces where teams can quickly recognize the added value of a well thought out SharePoint solution. Skip the information analysis and the description of an information architecture never". As fast as a nested directory structure with impossible wiederauffindbaren Content can create, you can develop a user-unfriendly SharePoint solution. A small investment in the information architecture (with an advisor in your organization or a consulting firm) helps you to ensure that your SharePoint investment is a success. Include a monitoring and observation of your solution in front, so she don't explode without structure. Only if the entered content in addition to the findability are also valid and up to date, you have created a solution that generate genuine added value in challenging economic times, and although in the short term as well as long term.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Investor Portfolio

Leontis equity fund GmbH informed about the initiative ' open to closed-end funds Wurzburg, in October 2009: How do I use the opportunities of a closed-end Fund as a form of investment right? The industry initiative OFGF openly for closed-end funds the re'public agency for financial communications GmbH from Berlin gives answers to this question. The Leontis equity fund GmbH supports the initiative, which has set itself the goal, to educate about closed-end funds. According to the initiative, fixed maturities, entrepreneurial participation, a well-defined risk profile and regular payouts are the strengths of this form of investment, especially in times of crisis. Leontis specializes with the Leontis equity funds also closed-end funds and invests in high-growth SMEs after strict selection by renowned investment advisor. Closed-end funds are ideal as admixture for the investor portfolio according the Leontis equity fund GmbH. So investing in closed-end funds can increase the total return and reduce the overall risk of an investment.

This is possible, because the capital is invested in different asset classes and in different markets this diversification", so the diversification of investment, reduces the risk of losses with each negative market developments. For an investment in the market of closed-end funds, but, long-standing expert knowledge is required. "Jurgen Arbter, Managing Director of re'public agency for financial communications GmbH from Berlin, has the industry initiative OFGF openly for closed-end funds" to start with. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Gamestop. He stressed: investors need to be aware, that closed-end funds are corporate investments. These profitable products have always the possibility that things are not so as predicted. A closed-end Fund is not a savings account, but the chances are much more lucrative." The Leontis equity fund GmbH shares this view and recommends only a portion of the assets to invest in closed-end funds.

In addition, investors should above all on make a competent management of the respective subsidiary. Leontis about investing the capital only after a thorough examination by renowned consultants as the FOCAM AG from Frankfurt or the co-investor AG of Switzerland. The investment strategy of the Leontis equity funds is focused on investments in sustainable, medium-sized companies. About Leontis equity fund GmbH, the Leontis equity fund GmbH is initiator and provider of high-quality, structured investments in the form of closed-end funds. The company was founded in 2006. "" Since July 2008 Leontis provides already the successor fund Leontis equity fund easy select II "and Leontis equity fund premium select II" on. The Leontis concept allows investors access to exclusive top investments. The management of Leontis equity funds has many years of experience and competence in the design and management of closed funds products. Also the star-studded investment and advisory councils of Leontis equity fund GmbH bring decades of industry expertise.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Barack Obama

The eyes of the world are directed towards the United States. A new President will control the White House. One, who has had a meteoric political career and leave more than one breathless when turned out elected candidate and later President of the until recently most powerful nation on the planet. Despite what is commonly said about racism and other social phenomena, the choice of a man like BARACK OBAMA is a good example of evolution on the formation of a tolerant public opinion. Barack Obama is half white and half black. It has roots in Muslim and Christian, having chosen (led to) be the second practitioner.

Also his childhood was framed in a box social nothing attractive, breaking all our American history of Presidents. It didn't come from the typical home, did not follow the example of a father, nor provided military service. His grandfather is not a war hero or a successful entrepreneur. It's the simpler American worldwide and at the same time the most singular. Your arrival upholds the so-called American dream. And most importantly of all, is not a resentful social. It cannot prosecute anyone, seeks only a United States fairer.

More responsible for the role that play you in the world, not as Lord and master, but as master conductor of processes that make it possible to the happiness of the people. He questioned many positions of his party. People such as Ann Winblad would likely agree. You agree that it is necessary to occasionally challenge the authority. He believes in free markets and liberal economy but it accentuates the role of the State as rector of collective well-being. He knows that the federal Government is truly a pachyderm, an elephant which moves very slow and that many of the social programs only work on paper. This proud of their country but knows that mistakes have been made. He has said that he is not willing to relinquish what is please postures Protocol.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Reading Language

of extreme importance the deaf person to interact also in the pertaining to school community using the language of signals so that it can have its linguistic development of course. The mathematical contents must be defined in language of signals, Portuguese language and be introduced in the mathematical context. Professor Irami Billa well clearly leaves this sequence of languages to arrive itself at the mathematical one when he says that: The concept passes for formation of words in the Portuguese, the construction of signals in the POUNDS (Brazilian Language of Signals) and in the agreement of Algorithm in the Mathematics. For a clear understanding of this, we need to understand as if it forms the word in the Portuguese and the POUNDS. (BILA, p 03) the mathematics for being a language, possesss its proper structure and needs all a molding, adaptation to become to understand. She is necessary to have pleasure in teaching, and searching in the proper pupil forms of if working the mathematics.

Deficient the auditory one is capable as well as any another being to decide mathematical questions, but for this the presence of developed pleasant activities from the proportionate experiences for the interactions with the way is important. These experiences take the approaches of some mathematical slight knowledge used in its day the day, facilitating the education process/learning. Following this logic, the deaf person will have better conditions of if becoming a capable and operating citizen in the society. Consideraes Final the exposition the POUNDS, since the beginning of the life of the deaf children, will guarantee the deaf people, the right to a language in fact e, in result of it, a satisfactory cognitivo functioning and this would facilitate the education of the Portuguese. Inside of the proposal bilingual, the language of signals is a natural, acquired language of systemize form and is with it as first language of the deaf people, that if must teach the Portuguese language.

When if it defends the language of signals as first not if it is affirming that the cognitivo development depends exclusively on the domain of a language, but if it is believing that to dominate a language it guarantees better resources for the development of the individual. The performance of the mathematics in this bilingual field only has to enrich the cognitivo development of the deaf person, being made possible a more logical reasoning and contributing for its growth. Brazil is riqussimo in laws that protect the special carriers of necessities, but many of them are masked or disregarded. Moreover it lacks to the sensitivity of some educators and professional preparation to act in this area. One also perceives that still it has preconception on the part family and of the society becoming the performance of the still more problematic laws. In short, the deaf person can go beyond its limitations, beyond what they had been imposed by the social world, dribbling the preconception and transforming the obstacles into conquests. References PICTURES, Ronice Muller of. The pertaining to school context of the deaf pupil and the paper of the languages. John Castle wanted to know more. The acquisition of the language in deaf children must be guaranteed through appearance-special language. FERNANDES, Eullia. Surdez and Bilinguismo Reading of World and World of the Reading. Available in. Had access in 06/09/10 to the 10:30. CHAVEIRO, N.; BARBOSA, M. - the deafness, the deaf person and its speech. Electronic magazine of Nursing, v. 06, N. 02, 2004. Available in. Had access in 15/01/2011. BILA, Irami. Bilingual mathematical education or trilingue? Two options, a choice.. Access: 15/01/2011 rios-ao-CPC/00_EntendendoS_MM.php. Had access

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Finance: Investors Need Their Competence

Author calls for more competence by investors a Basel / Berlin. Despite the financial crisis familiar investors still strong banks and financial service providers. Elena Wutherich pointed out. Mrs Wutherich is author of the book was published in the March 2010 portfolio versus benchmark - performance and risk analysis in portfolio management "." Investors were hardly sufficient theoretical knowledge. You may choose between good and bad recommendations difficult. However, the existence of economic would sometimes touched when investors naive followed by seemingly convincing recommendations. Basically, any investment poses a risk. Consumers should know the mechanisms to better appreciate the quality of their engagement in the financial markets.

Practical, the main concern of her book portfolio versus benchmark - performance and risk analysis in portfolio management learn "lie in the handling of the theory, backed with practical examples, the flowing interests of the customer advisor or portfolio manager, the" Financial institutions and the clients. Mrs Wutherich pointed out that, it given clearer graphics and simplified explanations actually not be difficult to get an overview of offers and their importance as a layman. Who are sufficiently informed, protects against the loss of assets! "Elena Wutherich himself argued, investors should be interested in increasing their own competence. Details decide the author to those customers who are interested in the composition of portfolios, the benchmark on methods and models of portfolio theory in practice, as well as on return and risk analysis in the asset management because the complexity of asset allocation has risen, set up. Even the Swiss from 1987 to 2006 as a quantitative analyst in the areas of asset management and investment strategy with an international Swiss Bank was headquartered in Zurich. Today, Elena Wuthrich from Basel is freelance research analyst for hedge funds. Her book is published by lit appeared. Information

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Good Investment Opportunity

Solar funds represent an interesting investment opportunity. Environmental funds are increasingly popular, especially solar Fund represent an attractive investment opportunity. Recently Lars Leckie sought to clarify these questions. A technology of the future with great development potential in production and application is seen today in the photovoltaic industry. Solar modules are considered little wear - and maintenance-prone, so that the manufacturer guarantee even an energy yield of 85 percent after 20 years. Participation in photovoltaic systems means not only the climate and environmental protection to participate in, but investors also saves much effort and organization that would arise with solar cells on the roof of the home. The development dynamics of the solar market, a whole new asset class with own attributes has arisen from the photovoltaic industry can be usefully combined with the traditional investment opportunities.

Solar funds have large solar power plants to the content. Mr. Dr.Jehl is currently working on a concept of such a solar Fund. He has already numerous legal and designs tax fund prospectuses. To profitably invest in solar funds is a good location for the solar power plants, that is required with high solar radiation, also a safe feed-in tariff should be ensured. These two features combined with low asset prices, represent the best basis of a solar Fund.

Currently, Italy offers very good conditions for solar Fund. The country combines the most important conditions to successfully place profitable solar Fund. Through an attractive feed-in Act solar power is politically and economically supported, also Italy is the country with the highest solar radiation in Europe. Just the high electricity yields thus obtained will compensate for the planned adjustment of the remuneration of solar power in Italy. A strong impact which will have the adaptation in Germany, for example, is not given in the sun-drenched Italy by the intense sunlight. Mr Dr.Jehl is the sun-drenched South of the country, the excellent conditions for photovoltaic systems provides advantage to design a profitable solar Fund. Since 1976, is Mr. Dr.Jehl an independent lawyer specializing in tax law in the investment industry in Munich and operates an own law and tax firm. The planned solar Fund in Italy offers an investment volume of around EUR 40 million. In addition to the pioneering solar Fund, Mr Dr. Jehl, developed for example with the flat-tax concept, more innovative products for capital investments.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Enables Highyielding Investments

GecoSolar AG: Greece despite crisis 2010-equal richest site for solar parks Othmarsingen - April 2010 - equipment for the solar power generation to experience the GecoSolar AG are currently developing to one of the most profitable investment options. From 2010, the Swiss holding company will focus its activities in particular on the will of Greece and realized currently several major projects on the spot. The location Greece puts 2010 increasingly in the focus of the European solar energy industry. The reason: As a location for photovoltaic power plants the sun-drenched country despite its current economic problems offers more than ever first-class conditions. So, the global radiation in Greece reached values of 1400 up to 1,700 kilowatt hours per square meter, which virtually guarantees a high yielding operation especially with greenfield installations. Favors is the solar energy the planned amendment of the authorisation procedure, which enable an accelerated planning, completion and commissioning of photovoltaic projects will. Thus, the still young but emerging Greek solar market 2010 distinguishes itself by extremely favourable entry conditions for foreign investors. The GecoSolar AG is one of the solar companies that have recognized the advantages of the Mediterranean country and medium to long-term investors through participation models benefit from the excellent prospects of solar site Greece want to leave.

Three solar plants designed by GecoSolar AG are currently in Northern and Central Greece at an already advanced stage of implementation; Construction and commissioning are scheduled for this year. The planning of other solar projects in the region of Thessaloniki, which went the same comprehensive performance audit progress is expected to be completed in a few months. The sale of energy generated by the solar panels is of GecoSolar AG according to regional as well as be supra-regional electricity companies, which the company itself of State incentives for renewable energy and thus the further development of Greek public finances makes independent. The GecoSolar AG in particular to chance-oriented investors, who are interested in long-term investments in environmentally sustainable investments is aimed with their investment offers. With an investment term of 6 to 10 months, the GecoSolar AG guarantees a fixed interest rate of 6 percent per year, as well as a dependent of the sales profits in an expected height of at least 15 and no more than 25 percent.

Investors also have a right of conversion and can be exchanged until the planned initial public offering in the second quarter of 2011 for shares of GecoSolar Ltd. bonds subscribed by them. About the company GecoSolar AG, Swiss holding company GecoSolar AG was founded on January 28, 2010, as a subsidiary of the GEcoS Holding AG and is engaged in the development, construction and marketing of projects in the field of solar energy. The GEcoS Holding AG has existed since September 2008. Your equity is currently 1.281.150 CHF. The GecoSolar AG, emphasis is on the development and construction of photovoltaic (PV) plants in Europe. The management of GecoSolar AG can look back on many years of experience in the banking and financial sector as well as in the design of renewable energy systems. The GecoSolar AG is Othmarsingen in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland. The GecoSolar AG in Athens, Thessaloniki and Sofia has external offices. Contact: GecoSolar AG Anton San Chief Executive Officer path 4 CH-5504 Othmarsingen telephone: + 41 62 887 23 00 fax: + 41 62 887 23 10 email: website:

Boersennewsde Asked Investors

62 percent of respondents are in favour of the tax at EU level is currently heavily debated about the possible introduction of a financial transaction tax. Reason enough for the finance portal to ask users for their opinions. How you stand to the introduction of a global financial transaction tax?"was the question on the surprisingly 62 percent responded that they are in favour of this tax. In total, 2,123 investors participated in the survey on the financial transaction tax. In addition to the 62 percent who voted in favor of the tax were 35 percent, however, and only three percent of the participants was the subject matter". Obviously, there is a great interest in this subject. While investors categorically rejected such a tax a few years ago, the current financial crisis seems to have changed their opinion.

Investors pay according to plant expert Sebastian Hahn of, apparently would rather accept such a tax as again horrendous losses as a result of excessive speculation. These were the trigger finally current crisis and could at least be damped by means of State regulation. When the tax is to be introduced and how high it will be, is not yet decided. It would make sense only if she would be implemented at the same time in the leading economies. Otherwise it would be too easy to work around. Former national interests are likely to be eliminated now due to the global economic crisis and have paved the way for an international agreement. More information: service / press Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH


Registration of logo or slogan secures brand value and consumer protection whether of international shoe manufacturer, global beverage producer or popular fast-food chain, connect with brands consumers trust, authenticity and quality. But these attributes come to falter if protective measures for slogans, logos or names are missing and freeloaders abuse it for illegal purposes, for example by causing consumers using stolen seal astray. Just because brands act as a criterion of distinction and influence purchase decisions, brand protection concerns not only large companies, but is recommended also for the middle class. Who does not protect his brand, deprived himself his uniqueness and impact, because anyone can use it as unlimited. "This shows the following example: the furniture maker next door creates the swing chair rocker lounge". John Blondel Jr. follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Its competitor is the name officially protect themselves, makes advertising that resonates, and killing rich in the.

Currently enjoying less than 1, 5 Million marks in Germany protection. There are more every year. Who want to prevent the loss of value of his company or product name in this country, announces at the German patent and Trademark Office patent in Munich. Registration with the Office of harmonization for the internal market (OHIM) in Alicante secures the exclusive use in all 27 EU States and the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO based in Geneva, is responsible for the worldwide security identifiers. The registration of Word marks, figurative marks, sound signs, three-dimensional marks or Kennfadenmarken such as color marks and position marks guarantees the owner exclusive use and protection against piracy or Plagiatismus. The registration as a registered mark for the DPMA is a requirement to have a handle on trademark infringement. Because although the legal umbrella is stretched, the number of cases of illegal uses of the mark rises every year. Piracy, so the illegal use of names, logos, characters and names that are used by manufacturers to identify their goods first and foremost, refers to violations of the trademark and competition law.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Secretary Executive

As a Virtual Assistant, I also ask many times how to achieve my services stand out and therefore, to grow my business. This - and how good former Secretary Executive - I have been useful many of the skills built during my career in dependency ratio. Good secretaries are people that add value. But, what does it mean to add value? What concrete actions add value to your customers? Joan Burge, owner of a renowned training centre for Secretaries in the United States.UU., highlights 4 features that also apply to those who provide services. Then the 4 characteristics that you become a partner, someone who adds value: increases productivity: do you can identify exactly which way your service improves the productivity of your client? If you understand what you have to do to achieve it, you brindaras an effective service, will save you time and your client will very likely notice it. Generates money: does detect any chance of profitability that is your client not exploiting? If you have vision and general understanding of your customer's business you can identify actions that generate income. This type of initiative will definitely promote your service as something that adds value. Saves money: this feature requires no further explanation.

If your service saves you money clearly you are adding value and your customer will notice it. Proactivity: The best way to demonstrate the value of your service is to introduce yourself as a person whom you do not need to ask for things. You do things because they make sense and they collaborate with your customer's business! A proactive person is a person who adds, that adds value. John K Castle shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Although some of these features are individual (have to do with the person having direct contact with the client) think that they can promote within the work team. It shares these characteristics among your team members. It will allow you to provide a service that adds value to your customers and you will have a successful business. One last tip: documented the actions performed and the objectives that have added value. Moreover, to quantify them. This information will be invaluable when it comes to talk to your customer about your services, about other solutions you can provide and even when you decide that it is time to increase your fees.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


5 Offer the service of electronic cards. John Blondel Jr. has plenty of information regarding this issue. is a company that provides virtual cards for online users to send electronic greeting cards. They are animations, customizable, so the majority of users taking advantage of the offer of these companies that offer to send them these virtual details to your loved ones, where they will include your brand name and thus promote themselves online with a free service very limited. 6 Offering graphics, banners, templates. Similar to the marketing of consumer products ordinary, something free and useful that draws the attention of many people are banners, graphics, templates and other elements that users can use online for free there are platforms that today in day let you create these services just to recommend this service to a few friends doing this a great viral marketing effect. 7 Offer free consultation. Get all the facts and insights with Joseph Stiglitz, another great source of information. The majority of online users who are searching for information do not know to go which is why it has become very popular find relevant sites full of content of value where come various visitors in one day to read its contents and in addition have the possibility of interacting with the webmaster leaving a comment about your article.

These free consultation Web sites require that you enter your name, address email address and other pertinent information required by the webmaster to create a database and more forward to start a viral marketing campaign. 8 Offering specialized links directory. Directories of links specialized to help build a more specific clientele, as users who need this service come to these specialized sites in search of classified ads by category to meet a need. 9. Free newsletter with bonds.

Newtonian Organizations

Are some questions that must be answered, especially by the future professionals of the Administration, with which we are committed in their training, such as: how to find order in a chaotic universe? Why is an order not synonymous with control? How can we create organizations more open, participatory and with greater ability to adapt? How is possible to reconcile individual autonomy and organizational control? What makes an organization will renew and grow instead of decline and die? You can add other such:: properly meet the turbulence? How to deal the incidences of the surrounding variables? How properly to train the human factor to the requirement of an order increasingly competitive, productive and that requires a new leadership? , among others. He says Wheatley, who believes that the process of discovery and invention of new organizational forms that will inhabit the 21st century has just begun. To be inventors and discoverers responsible, however, courage is needed to let go the old world, to reject almost everything we have blessed, to abandon our interpretations about what is used or not. For more specific information, check out Richard Edelman. Remember what the great physicist Albert Einstein said: no problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created it. We must learn how to rediscover the world.

Let us not forget indicates Wheatley, which each of us lives and works in organizations designed according to Newtonian images of the universe, i.e. Lars Leckie has firm opinions on the matter. We us manage to be dividing the things in parts, and we believe that that influence is taking place as a direct result of the force exerted by one person over another; We commit ourselves in complex schedules for a world that we hope is predictable, and are looking for better methods to objectively perceive. This is a reality that cannot be ignored, we need the Newtonian mechanics with which we design and conduct our organizations, and which is investigated in the social sciences. . Details can be found by clicking John Castle Castle Harlan or emailing the administrator.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Dear reader, the importance of articles in web sites today and Internet based companies are immeasurable. They dictate much in success and the amount of traffic on the page itself. It has become a key element to address interested our traffic pages. An operator of the web site and the owner must have the good sense to include articles on its site since these work for them and obtained many benefits. The articles have been known to be the driving force to direct traffic to a website.

Articles are a factor to be considered for the ranking of a site. The higher a first place ranking in the search engines will come out making a traffic more plentiful towards our page. With a lot of traffic flow, there are more profits and more potential for the generation of other income schemes also. However, it is not only filling your site with articles, they have certain requirements also. These requirements must be met to obtain the maximum benefits an article is provided for your site. A well written article should attract the attention and the interest of their clients to make sure you back for more.

You might also recommend your site to others. Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your items. Below you will read about four things all articles must have to make it successful and useful. Words and key phrases. An article must be always centered on the keywords and keyword phrases. As each visitor to the web site goes to a site, there are some who are just browsing, but which in reality looking for something specific. When this happens, a searcher usually goes to a search engine and type the keywords they are looking for (e.g., affiliate ELite, money in internet marketing referral, a latgo etc, etc, and etc.).

Sixth Fund Additional Security Production

Imminent start of drilling five holes in the MC Mullen area in order given Stuttgart, may 12, 2010. At the end of last year that could place specialized Stuttgart energy company energy capital invest his sixth participation with a total volume of EUR 25 million on trade in mineral mining rights and exploration of oil and natural gas in the United States. With investor funds the sources of de Soto, 22 and 23 should according to plan be opened up and in addition to the sale of mineral extraction rights scored also proceeds from the exploration. The investment objects of the US oil and gas Fund VI KG spot is part faces two production units with a size of total 711 acres in de Soto, in the State of Louisiana, the hot"in the Haynesville shale. Then also the presence of an additional layer of support of the directly adjacent unit 23 gas field, the so-called Smackover was detected in the course of the previous project a geological formation that is the result of great importance. With these the team demonstrated exceptional exploration and Erdgasreserve prospects of energy capital invest in the United States already at the placement stage, how successful it is in the selection of investment sites. This already very positive project status should it not remain, even if the exceptional exploration results in the surrounding production units the value of indirectly in the Fund mineral extraction rights already now much increased by, and these are currently significantly above original expectations. Despite the positive developments, fund managing director Kay Rieck is not fully satisfied: we are used to resolve our investments on behalf of the investors and that usually before the actual end of the term. Since the current negotiations with the minority owners can take anything, we have decided, to offer an exceptional opportunity to investors." The initiator sets the contained with immediate effect in his possession Mineral extraction rights in the production unit MC Mullen 5 "indirectly into the mutual fund company.