Saturday, April 26, 2014


When planning a strategy for electronic commerce over the Internet, companies should carefully evaluate their situation with respect to existing distribution channels, to avoid problems and conflicts between channels. In this sense we can draw three different strategies: support the usual distributors: the Web server of the company will provide its distributors up-to-date information on the characteristics of the products, will give to know the changes in the list of prices, etc., but without going to compete directly with them, without getting to sell directly. Supplement existing channels. In doing so the company can sell directly through the company's Web server. This strategy is somewhat risky if not planned in detail, since it may pose possible conflicts with distributors traditional, especially if different rates are applied in prices. It is occurs with airlines as Iberia, via its website, customers can directly reserve or buy tickets, thus posing a conflict situation in their relationship with travel agencies. Sell directly to the final consumer. Stops of resorting to the usual distribution channels, thus becoming a strategy that can bring a series of benefits to the company, but that is not without risks.

Such is the case of the Dell company, which has focused its entire strategy towards direct sales over the Internet. To eliminate the middlemen, the final product costs and accelerate business processes. In addition, the company maintains direct contact with its customers, obtaining first-hand information about their needs and their complaints. It must also take into account that the company can improve the management of stocks by implementing a system of manufacturing demand, activated by the orders that are received directly from customers. It is also possible to directly distribute digital products over the Internet, products that are reduced to bits and, therefore, it is not necessary a hardware for delivery to the customer. Today there are many examples of companies that directly distribute digital products and services via the Internet: music, electronic books, tickets to shows and sporting events, software, travel, financial services, games, etc. On the other hand, Internet figure of virtual intermediaries, is also increasingly more weight within the e-commerce sector.

These portals are work collect, process and interpret large amounts of information about the market and products of manufacturers, and provide this information on the Internet. His biggest weapon is information and they translate it into sites of reference which was attended by users on the network to find advice and a full listing on the products you are looking for, and access to comparative studies between products from different manufacturers. Virtual intermediaries do not directly sell products although Yes it may take orders received directly to the manufacturer or seller, gaining a Commission by its brokerage in each sale transaction.

York Tours

Nuba offers new packages especially designed for companies today, more than ever, it is necessary to gain the loyalty of the most prominent clients, collaborators and employees of each company. Aware of this, signature Nuba, the design specialist trips tailored to the five continents, has created a collection of travel especially designed for companies, with exotic destinations such as Tanzania, Costa Rica, Dubai, Myanmar, Marrakech, New York and Rome. This new package of travel, at very interesting prices, is intended to achieve the complete satisfaction of the client, since it includes visits to the most interesting places in each country. Although the trips are planned to the smallest detail, if the customer so wishes also you can customize them to your liking. Nuba offers the company the possibility of offering the gift in an elegant box. Once open, the person concerned will know its next destination, which will include more exotic accommodations, the experience of the best guides at an unbeatable price and numerous suitable for all kinds of public activities. Costa Rica travelers may stay in the jungle, but neither will miss rest on unspoilt beaches and natural spas. And after replenish forces, adventure activities such as canopy, rafting or horseback riding, and other more calm, like golf. For its part, in Myanmar are designed the trekking, picnics at the top of the temples, tours in chaise, strolls in boat and visits to stilt houses on the water, while in Dubai the luxury villas in the middle of the desert, the ancient arts of falconry or the most exclusive spas may be seen. The proposed activities include dinners in avant-garde restaurants and 4 4 tours, horse or camel through the desert. Visit Tanzania, for its part, is staying in a Victorian-style lodge, Ngorongoro or on top of a baobab. In addition, the traveller can carry out night and photographic safaris and feel protagonist with a super light plane ride and a lunch in the middle of the Savannah. New York offers private yacht tours, brunches in exclusive dinners, shopping, concerts of music gospel and overflights by the Big Apple, while in Marrakech should not lose the houses-palaces in the heart of the Medina, cultural tours and shopping and hammam session. Finally in Rome you can enjoy shopping in the most chic boutiques, after a day of visits private monuments, palaces and churches. And to replenish forces, nothing better than a snack in one of the charming squares that adorn the city. You can consult the guide of franchises to have greater repertoire of franchises in Spain. News, articles, interviews with franchises, new franchises, franchise Guide, all the news in the world of the franchise you can consult it in directory of franchises.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


After several years at the University there is a job to him this waiting for a salary of 5 thousand dollars, or at least of one thousand dollars. Really is studying a lot of competition in jobs race. We have that you try to be the best. It is not discouraging it, my proposal is that you may have a job for 5 thousand dollars a month after the end of his career. Just now starting to form its database, its portfolio of contacts, employers, clients, companies and services.

You use email, participates in social networking and study what you like. You don't need more, in addition to a computer with Internet access and know how to use it, it is all you need. He has, and you need yourself, and right here is the difficulty. Find what you really like, and write about it, is not easy; worry about the needs of others nor is it, and is just what will you do when you're a professional; Why not do it now? Don't need your profession to get to manage to be professional, what will do when did you finish?, job search, this is to make a database of employers, companies, consumers, etc would be relations public? Flare us you professional relationships. Professional relationships what is being sought is to know, show how much can be useful for some company; how much can produce, so competent are, etc.

All of this can already begin to do so. Your employer might this also now studying at any other University, or perhaps already know it. What you learn in College is just 10% of your success. The 90% is in how you treat people, already saw in previous articles. To the grain, increases your contacts on social networks, captivating them with the topics that you like and people are looking for. Your profession is productive, many study it, then many seek information thereon; you could be one of those who produce information. It shows that you're studying something for your relationships?, or just study for you, your home and the University; engage in a profession is to accept a mode life, relationships and ways of thinking.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Indicated Target

There are places for all tastes, that is well known. Regardless of the specific thing that is your niche, it is hoped that large amount of competitors, fighting for the same target. Frost & Sullivan is actively involved in the matter. Therefore it is necessary that each site, each brand, each company draw up a Unique Sales Proposal, or unique sales proposition, which will make its offer of products and services has a unique nuance, an added value that your competitors don't have. Define what is the best USP must be started up from all the expertise of the brand makers, who must choose which aspects focus this USP. It can be linked with the usability of the site, the elasticity of the payment methods, the post-sales support or more convenient price. It is easy to realize that the USP must necessarily form part of the contents of your Google ads.

This is essential, because it will help you to define your specific target, and the specific target, or rather, success to reach it, is what will ensure the highest percentage of success of your Google ads. How to configure your Google campaigns ads offers you a wide variety of parameters not only the wording of the announcement, or the ability to deploy different landing pages-that will give you the possibility of reaching a great specificity in sought-after target. The question is how to do it. How to configure the key words or phrases of your Google ads is of vital importance in this aspect. The possibilities are many. You can not only define with which searches does not want to leave, or next which sites when they exit listings in search results.

You can also insert in their notice dynamic keywords, i.e. do not define in advance what is the first line of the same, but that they match what the user seeks exactly. The Google ads offer a wide palette of possibilities for configuration. Does getting the most all these tools, to reach the intended target? More Needless to say, achieving the ideal public not only cheaper costs, increasing its Quality score, and so pay less per click, but that your conversion rates will increase significantly. Do we know what to do exactly? With master Googel Adwors, the definitive e-book that will give you all the knowledge necessary to configure their Google ads in the most effective manner, both in what refers to costs in what refers to effectiveness to close sales. Dominate Google AdWords you will never need another product so that your PPC campaigns have the success you expect.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Bible Reality

We are what to want and not to want to be, what many times, in the reality, we hinder in them of this. When displaying our dreams for the reality, we are citizens the acceptance or repudiation, destruction on the part of that listening. In the reality we can until making to die our power to be or encantamento with the desired thing because in our dreams it is perfect to our way. The dreams are not the reality of the world, but yes, dreams that can die and not leave wounded that they tormentem and they imprison the man, them they can closed or be resignificadas giving opening for new dreams if to constitute, bringing peculiar sensible. The dreams forgotten soon, then are changedded thus into lies and, also start to be lies and the life starts to be, then, one ' ' verdadeiro' ' make-of-it counts. She is necessary that let us embed our dreams, in the direction of not arresting in them or simply to dissimulate that nothing it happened, but to make to be valid these possibilities one day imagined exactly that not materialize. However, a new opening new dreams to be been born must consist, in order to allow that the power to be reappears.

The outcome of a history is not only on to an end, but yes, to one to start of new and not another time. Starting of new sends the idea of newness and not of repetition. At the same time where a history finishes, then an opening if inserts, allowing new start (outcome = outcome). Then something is become fullfilled and not properly it is locked in, it accomplished, in the truth, a new ticket. So that this new if constitutes, she is necessary to be born of new.

King History

Better to understand the reason of the difficulty in if making a history of the women, Cardoso and Vainfas affirm that ' ' the scarcity of vestiges concerning the past of the women, produced for proper them consists in one of the great problems faced for historiadores.' ' (CARDOSO and VAINFAS, p 195). In such a way we can perceive some of the barriers that the historians find when they try to make a trajectory of the woman. In an attempt to extend the sources of research, Michelle Perrot it affirms that the particular archives as the daily ones, photos and notations are more generous in information, and that it has a bigger text of contents for construction of a more complete history on the women. Perhaps the WOMAN AS OBJECT OF STUDY OF the HISTORIOGRAFIA Reconhecer the importance of the woman in the development of the societies is the idea that better it expresses the necessity of the introduction and its use as object of study in the historiogrfico field. Since remote times we see that, those that made the use of the writing of history used of preference the masculine community as primary factor of its workmanships, and why not to say of the old civilizations that left the woman as by-product in the social works, in the practical religion and its; each civilization with its ' ' cegueira' ' moral. The woman since before was reason of joke and disdain. In the Jewish culture we find the following conjunct made for a man: ' ' Bendito You are, Perpetual, our God, King of the Universe that you did not make me mulher' ' **. This age the matinal conjunct of the Jewish man, was part of its culture, being reason to thank the God. Already for the Greeks, also the philosophers who had been also influenced by this machista thought, were reason to be thankful the destination for not having been born woman.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ciudad Juarez Drug

The journalist argues that the inhabitants of that city are prey to endless abuse from the authority to the point that used as scapegoats to be presented as a senior Mexican drug traffickers. Narrates: Adrian Lujan, newly graduated from design by the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez. At midday, the federal police - sent by Mexico President Felipe Calderon in its so-called war against drug trafficking - went after Adrian Lujan: while more families were crying to those killed today. With their children orphaned. As every day. In a Juaritos that no longer exists. After assaulting him, he was forced to take photos with a gun, among other violations of human rights. Perhaps to present it in a future as a Hitman.

As they have done previously with several scapegoats: innocent become guilty by the authorities when they feel the pressure from the media. Or to frighten him if continued to denouncing and working for peace: that the authorities do not. During 2010 have been killed 290 young people between 12 and 17 years for acts of drug trafficking, according to a briefing note of El Universal. Children as assassins on the other hand, a writer of the Autonomous National University of Mexico, Pedro Jose Penalosa, said the Excelsior newspaper that children from the age of 9 are already some drug cartel assassins, because an infant who lives in a place where drugs are sold and which have few opportunities, is pushed to the crime. These young thugs come from a population that nobody cares and some come from families in precarious conditions. Young people who arrive at the circuit did so as a last resort.